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About A-Tall-Order

Abigail Clark

How’s the air up there?  Did you play basketball?  What’s it like being so tall?  Those are just a few questions I get asked on a regular basis.  I have always found these to be really odd questions but since I am a woman, and I am over 6 feet tall they are regular questions that people ask me.  


If you haven’t already guessed, it is partially the reason for the blog name.  God created A-Tall-Order the day he created me.  Let’s be honest, I am not the average woman.  I am tall, outgoing, joyful, and full of life. I am normal in that  I can be negative, grumpy, and have my moments just like everyone else.  I am in my mid 40’s unmarried, have never been married, and have no kids. I am a daughter, an aunt, and a loyal friend.  I am honest sometimes to a fault, I love way too much, and can be totally awkward.  I have battled health issues, created messes, have fallen, gotten back up, and I will never stop fighting.

This website was created in response to a calling that God has placed on my life. I absolutely love the Lord!  I would be no one and nowhere in life without the Grace of God.  This website will be about my walk through life, my journey with Christ, failures, triumphs, and the power of LOVE.  We will discuss things like Forgiveness, using the Holy Spirit in daily life, speaking in tongues, the Bible, healings, addictions, and there will be a lot of post about the grace of God. This website is also about the calling and order that God has on your life.  Although you may not know what that order is yet, I can guarantee you one thing: God has called you and the order that he has on your life is A-Tall-Order.

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